Monday, January 9, 2012

My First Post: Dedicated to my Blog-spiration!

Hello currently-noone-but-hopefully-many-people-soon,

I began this blog not only for my unparalleled love for everything beauty, but because about 4 months ago I started reading a blog called Valentine Kisses. I don't remember exactly how I stumbled upon this wonderful website, but I am truly glad I did. Crystal (the owner and blogger on the site) does such a truly amazing job. She is currently hosting a HUGE giveaway that I suggest anyone and everyone who reads this enter. Her blog can be found here and the specific giveaway post can be found here.

Otherwise, please follow my blog as many good things are to come. :)

Yours 'til the butter flies,


  1. Hi and welcome to the blogging world! I read your post on Valentine Kisses and would love to contact you. Can you post your contact information? It's in response to Mally Beauty. Thanks! Cosmetics_crazy

    1. Please contact me at Thank you!
